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The Journey has the right amount of action to keep you glued to the story and the pages turning. The Journey is filled with all the betrayals, lies and twists to keep you racing to the end to see how it all turns out. I really enjoyed reading Arcadia’s escape scene and how it all played out. The world building for The Journey is just out of this world awesome.

Nancy Allen - The Avid Reader

Now it is time to figure out who I really am.

A year has passed since we were all on Sanshli. My idiot brother decided to pull out the sword and now we were stuck in the past, all in new bodies. Like my life wasn’t complicated enough.

But now it was going to get even more complicated.

Time was running out and I had to finish my mission: destroy Nygard once and for all. I knew I would be on my own for this one, as I was the only one who I could trust. And there was always Jack, but I still didn’t know where he was. Hopefully it would all make sense soon.

But what were the odds of that?

Cover artist: Biserka Designs